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Breaking Free: Escaping the 3D Matrix That Zombifies Humanity
Today, we revisit the transformative journey of elevating our consciousness to the level of our Galaxy brothers and sisters. Our focus this time extends globally, delving into the intricate web of the third-dimensional Matrix. What is this Matrix, you ask? In essence, it comprises the code of laws governing third-dimensional existence. These laws enforce total control over every inhabitant of our planet, compelling submission to the power institutions. Picture a modern-day slaveholding system, with the state and bureaucratic apparatus playing the role of masters, determining destinies from birth. Breaking free from this vicious cycle is no small feat. Few on Earth manage to transcend its confines and attain true freedom. Our civilization, even reaching the most remote tribes, remains ensnared by bureaucratic slavery—disguised as citizenship. The conquerors’ goal was to divide countries, counties, and nations, facilitating easier control. Yet, there’s more to the Matrix. It shapes our mentality and behaviour, imposing a dualistic standard. Material values dominate, while spiritual aspects are relegated to daydreamers and visionaries. But to ascend to higher dimensions, we must become “not of this world.” Breaking free means living in alignment with universal laws—embracing unity, freedom, equality, and brotherhood. So, how do we dismantle this Matrix within our consciousness? Begin by recognizing that our reality isn’t truly free—it’s an illusion. Recent years have turned everything upside down, distorting and even perverting notions. But within our own minds lies the key to liberation. Destroy the Matrix there, and you pave the way for a transition to the Fifth Dimension. Remember, it’s not about dismantling external control systems immediately; it’s about reclaiming inner freedom. Realize that outrageously false narratives gain traction precisely because they defy reason. As we awaken, we step beyond the illusion, embracing a unipolar mentality aligned with universal truths. Let us continue our exploration of the third dimension Matrix and chart a path toward emancipation.
The representatives of the deep state now play their cards openly, no longer content with mere lies or half-truths. These audacious plans for humanity’s annihilation have been introduced into our society, but unfortunately, people often dismiss them as absurd. The globalists’ strategy hinges on eradicating the older generation, who were raised on natural moral values, and replacing them with a younger generation devoid of such principles. These new ideas and values permeate our consciousness through mainstream media—advertisements, TV, and the internet. They insidiously embed themselves as subconscious vibration patterns. But there’s more: psychotronic weapons, employed by those who seized power long ago, go beyond mere influence—they actively zombify people, directly impacting their psyche. To break free, shield yourself from the media’s influence. Recognize the danger they pose, not just through words but also via these covert weapons. Now, let’s discuss how to dismantle the third-dimensional matrix within your conscience. Step one: Disentangle from general mental and emotional patterns. The third-dimensional worldview thrives on duality, perpetuated by the principle of division. Millennia of conditioning by those in power—dragon reptiles—have ingrained this divisive mindset. National, political, and religious boundaries further reinforce it. Step two: Transform your conscience. Strive for balance and harmony, even amidst the battle between good and evil. Treat the villains of all kinds as fairy tale characters that exist both in your life and the life of your planet in order to revive your divinity.
In the midst of this life-and-death struggle, humanity reveals its most remarkable traits: the power of spirit, wisdom, and unwavering courage. We’ve all heard stories of individuals, on the brink of death, summoning immense physical strength—strength that defies ordinary circumstances. But now, it’s not physical might we seek; it’s spiritual resilience. This spiritual strength holds the key to ultimate freedom from the captivity of the third-dimensional Matrix. Surprisingly, even the global-scale villains—the hidden and apparent representatives of the Deep State—can inadvertently evoke this strength within us. In a divine sense, they became catalysts for our swift spiritual growth and profound understanding of the critical processes unfolding on Earth. By dismantling the ingrained pattern—the ‘in-out’ principle—we cleanse a vast layer of dual-world perception entrenched in our subconscious. Let’s delve further into the third-dimensional Matrix patterns. Another prevailing stereotype is the belief that people must blindly follow government instructions and bureaucratic mandates. This submission is deemed inescapable, beyond discussion. Birth certificates, passports, and identity cards are considered life essentials. However, in reality, this system perpetuates legalized slavery. Once enlisted in the state register, we cease to be free citizens and become attached to the state’s power institutions. Taxes and obligations follow suit. Attempting to break free invites opposition. Judicial, social, and financial institutions work in tandem to keep us law-abiding and compliant. Those who manage to escape face societal judgment. At best, they’re labelled ‘marginal’; at worst, ‘scum.’ This pejorative term reflects the authorities’ attempt to intimidate others, reinforcing the cage they inherited from birth. Today’s world transcends humane notions. People are denied the freedom to shape their own lives. Numerous examples abound, yet familiarity with the existing power structure and submissive positions keeps them executing even the most absurd demands from above—threatening their well-being.
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