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The Law of Abundance:
What It Is and How to Use It for Prosperity and Success
The wisdom of Dolores Canon inspired me with these words: ‘You can create anything you want’. They echo the deep reality of our being. We often let the fear of change or success stop us, but my friend, change is the life force. It’s the backdrop for our dreams and wishes. Consider this for a second, the universe is always changing, stars form and fade, galaxies crash and fuse, and seasons never fail to shift. Change is the norm, not the exception, so why do we humans, sometimes fight it so hard? The reason is our comfort zones. We cling to the familiar even if it doesn’t make us happy. The fear of the unknown, the fear of what could happen if we break our habits can freeze us. It’s like we’re on the brink of a huge unknown sea, scared to dive in and discover what lies beneath.
“Here is the universal truth, change is not our foe, it’s our friend, it’s the wave that can take us to new lands, the breeze that can soar us to higher places. Change is the trigger for growth, the flame of transformation. Let’s explore this universal view, into the laws of the universe. These are not just ideas, they are the basic rules that shape our reality. And when we know these laws, when we master their power, we can craft our lives in amazing ways. So what are these laws of the universe we’re talking about? Well, they are as real as the air we breathe, and the ground we walk on. Think of them as the unseen threads that stitch the fabric of reality they control. Once you understand how they work, Once you learn to bend and use them to your benefit, you can create anything your heart wants. That’s right! you have the power to sculpt your fate.
But How Do We Start? how do we access this amazing power within us? it begins with knowing why we’re here on Earth. Our main goal is to explore and unleash our innate power. We are here to discover just how powerful we are. To understand that we can shape the very energy of the universe. To create our desires. Now let’s discuss the art of the creation of material things. They’re the easy targets. They are the simplest to make happen. Imagine it like this, the universe has a set of rules and one of those rules is that, whatever you truly want must appear. It’s not a question of IF but WHEN. The secret is to grasp these rules and use them to your benefit.
So here’s the thing, physical objects are fairly easy to create. Do you want a new car, a dream house, or a piece of jewelry? well, my friend, it’s possible for you. But what about emotional things like happiness, love, and fulfillment? These are a bit more challenging. a little more elusive but here’s the twist, you can still create them. you can bring forth the most profound emotions but there’s a vital step before you activate the universe. Before you ask for your heart’s deepest desires, you need to do something essential. You have to know precisely what it is that you want, and I don’t mean a general idea or a fleeting wish, no, you need a crystal clear vision, as vivid as a technical dream. The more detail you can Inject into this mental image, the more powerful your creation becomes.”
Think of it this way, if you were an artist, every brushstroke, every color, every shape counts. it’s the same with your desires. draw them in your mind’s eye with careful attention. See it, touch it, feel it. If it’s a car, imagine the soft leather seats smell, that captivating new car scent, and feel the wind brushing your face as you drive down the highway. Plunge into your desires with every part of your being. But it doesn’t end there. Go beyond seeing and feeling. Engage all your senses, hear the sounds, smell the scents, taste the flavors, and immerse yourself in the emotions that come with having what you want. Make it real within your mind and by doing so, you set the wheels of creation in motion. Now here’s where the magic happens. When you send this vividly detailed vision into the universe, something amazing happens. It travels to another dimension where it’s refined and turned into reality. Then like a boomerang, it comes back to you bringing your desires to life. But remember my friend, the first step is to know what you want. sounds easy right? Yet it’s astonishing how many people struggle at this stage. They say they want success, happiness, or love. But when asked. they can’t clearly explain what that means for them. So take a moment to think. To discover what truly sparks your passion. What ignites your soul?
Now let’s discuss the law of abundance. This is where it gets even more thrilling. Material things like money and possessions, flow like a stream under the law of abundance. This law states that there is always enough for everyone. You see, there’s no need to cling, to hoard, to fear lack, it’s an abundant universe we live in. And your desires are simply ready for you to take them. Imagine a world without the worry of lack. Where the fear of not having enough is but a faint memory. That my friend is the reality created by the law of abundance. It’s a universe that brims with riches, opportunities, and blessings. Waiting for you to take them. But here’s the key, before you can access this abundance. You must first know what you want. You see the pattern here, your desires, your dreams, they are the fuel behind this cosmic machinery. You’re the leader of this grand orchestra. And your desires are the notes that make the symphony of your life.
Now, here’s a piece of wisdom that can make all the difference. Don’t stress about the "HOW", yes that’s right! when you picture what you want, when you fill it with vivid detail and dive into the sensory experience, don’t get stuck in the details of HOW it will happen. That part my friend is the universe’s job. And let me tell you, the universe is a skillful orchestrator. You see, when you send out your desires you let them go into the cosmos with unwavering faith. It triggers a series of events that are beyond your understanding. It’s like planting a seed in fertile soil. You don’t need to know the complex details of how that seed will sprout, grow, and bloom. You just trust that it will, and you nourish it with your belief. I’ve witnessed it time and time again in our business, in our careers, and our lives. We set a goal, we imagine the outcome, and we let it go to the universe. We don’t worry about the "how to" just let the magic happen, and trust me it always does. But here’s the catch, there are two vital rules you must follow. These are the guiding principles to ensure you create without creating negative outcomes.”
Firstly, You must never misuse your creative power to hurt anyone. The universe works on a fine balance of energies and whatever you emit it will come back to you ten times. So choose to emit positivity, love, and kindness, and see as these qualities return to your life like a flood of blessings. Secondly, just as important, You should never try to take from others to satisfy your desires. This means you don’t hope for bad things to happen to someone to get their job, their possessions, or their chances. Remember the universe’s abundance is limitless. There’s plenty for everyone so your way to success need not crush anyone else’s dreams.”
Now isn’t this power? just amazing? you have the ability to create, to mold your reality, to bring forth your heart’s desires. It’s not a gift given to a few, it’s your birthright as a conscious being in this universe. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Use this power wisely. With love and in sync, with the laws of the universe. And you’ll discover that you can indeed create anything you want. So I leave you with this inspiring truth. You are the builder of your destiny. Welcome your desires, picture them with unwavering faith, let them go into the universe, and see as the magic happens. You can create anything you want, the universe is waiting for you to discover your boundless potential. So just relax, everything will come to you.☺
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