Your Guide to Greatness: 16 Practical Rules for Personal Success
From the Cosmos to Cradles: Your Pre-Earth Voyage
The Pleiades frequently weave narratives intended to elevate your awareness. It’s less about the narrative itself and more about the encoding that awakens your recollections. This transmission’s data originates from direct Pleiadian channelings, including insights from Inedes and professional quantum hypnosis sessions. Additionally, some ancient information is sourced from the Lemurian Scrolls, preserved by the esteemed Great White Brotherhood. Today, we will share the epic tale of your magnificent odyssey on planet Earth.
You’ve encountered tales, yet there’s more — the complete saga. This saga pertains to your entire essence, encompassing numerous facets of yourself functioning across a multitude of dimensions and the expansive continuum of space-time. All systems are primed in standby for Mission Earth, readying for a surge. O noble one, as you decipher the sacred enigma of your true essence, you reawaken to the profound and splendid recollections of your distant past. As you endeavor to elevate your vibrational state, you’ll observe lucid and tangible memories cascading into your awareness. Your DNA is a vibrant chronicle of veracity and existence, harboring the code and schematic of your identity, the blueprint for being, the chronicles of the cosmos, and the saga of life on Terra. Each intricate remembrance of your being, across every dimension and each perceived juncture of time and space, is eternally inscribed within your cellular DNA, and this archive can be accessed and deciphered by you as memory. Although we’ve been a species in forgetfulness, there arrives a moment in your ascension journey when you will recollect all that has transpired in your history, spanning eons and even transcending into loftier dimensions. Moreover, this encompasses recalling events not directly experienced by you. How can this be feasible? The processes of DNA data transmission, reception, recording, and storage all transcend temporal and spatial constraints. Given that all DNA is quantumly entwined, the collective memories of all entities become your own. Ultimately, there exists a singular compendium of recollections that narrates to humanity its authentic tale — the entirety of why we ventured to Earth. To be ‘in darkness’ implies being uninformed or concealed; without comprehensive knowledge, one remains obscured and navigates in shadow.
Humanity remains largely unaware of its recent history, not to mention the events from millions of years past. The 4.5 billion star seeds on Earth are still seeking enlightenment about these occurrences. The narrative of these events serves as a beacon, illuminating the darkness with the truth of what transpired. Our progenitors, 22 million Earth years ago, were pioneers, establishing the first civilization in Vega within the Lyran constellation. Lyra, residing in the 12th Dimension, vibrates at the highest frequency in this universe. There, in a state of harmony and flawlessness, we existed within the ethereal realm of light, amidst archangels and celestial beings. Over time, our forebears, the original humanoids of Vega, ventured forth, founding exquisite colonies on planets within the Altair and Centauri star systems. It was during our exploration of the Ring Nebula that we met a reptilian species from the Draco star system, who laid claim to the Nebula. This encounter sparked the onset of interstellar conflicts.
In a later conflict, numerous Lyran outposts were besieged by hostile entities wielding advanced weaponry, culminating in a sudden and devastating strike on our Vega stronghold. This event is etched in the distant memories of many Star Seeds, leaving an indelible mark of trauma. Such an unprecedented catastrophe necessitated swift action as our world faced annihilation. Recollections may surface of our hasty exodus from Lyra aboard celestial vessels, evading the barrage of enemy attacks and hurtling through multiple dimensions at the speed of light to reach sanctuary.
The Lyran refugees, in their majestic ships of light, made their descent into the Fifth Dimension, establishing new domains within the star systems of Sirius, Orion, Arcturus, Andromeda, and the Pleiades. Although our lineage remained Lyran, we adopted new identities reflective of our fifth-dimensional abodes. A subset of these evolved 5D nations, predominantly from the Pleiades, ventured to Earth in the early stages, as the galactic conflicts spread across each star system. These pioneering Lyran voyagers, who settled on Earth eons ago, are recognized as the Pre-Adamites.
In the annals of prehistory, the grand entities known as Lemurians and Atlanteans were advanced humanoids originating from the Pleiades and, more distantly, the Lyra star system. These pioneering Lyran humanoids, Earth’s initial terraformers, introduced advanced humanoid ancestors such as Erectus, Neanderthal, and Bigfoot. These beings would later undergo genetic enhancements by the Anunnaki, giving rise to modern Homo sapiens.
These trailblazing terraformers and planetary cultivators departed Earth at various times for myriad reasons, retreating back to the Fifth Dimension. Following in their cosmic wake, Draco entities and the Grays from the Zeta Reticuli star system arrived on Earth. They too played a role in the early seeding of life on our planet and subsequently influenced human evolution and genetics.
The sovereignty of Earth and its human inhabitants has long been a contentious issue among extraterrestrial races, leading to significant interstellar conflicts over the dominion of our world. During our epic odyssey from the 12th dimension of Lyra to forge a sanctuary in the Fifth Dimension, our foremost endeavor was the reunification of our dispersed Lyran kin. Amidst the cosmos, some factions within the Sirius star system pursued matrimonial alliances among royal bloodlines, aiming to establish a sovereign lineage that would bind us all. Yet, numerous Lyrans withheld allegiance from this nascent dynasty.
The progenitors of this royal lineage made their abode on Nuru, a celestial body destined to veer from its initial orbit around Sirius C, carving a trajectory that intersects our inner solar system before embarking on an extended voyage to Nemesis, the dimmed vestige of Sirius C. The nobility of this aspirant Unity Kingdom colonized the planet Nibiru—these entities are known as the Anunnaki. A cadre of the Anunnaki dynasty embarked on a mission to Earth approximately 445,000 years ago, their objective: to extract gold and other vital minerals to rejuvenate the atmosphere of their home planet.
The Anunnaki, in their audacious tampering with the universal principle of non-interference, engineered humans by fusing their DNA with that of existing humanoids. This act, controversial as it was, pales in comparison to their subsequent actions. They deliberately modified the human genome to function suboptimally, crafting beings designed to be unaware laborers, revering and serving their creators as deities. Upon their creation, modern humans were subjected to manipulation; their consciousness was suppressed, and they were thrust into a state of severe subjugation and servitude. This perpetual state of commercial and religious oppression on Earth would eventually echo as a plea for intervention to the celestial realms of the Fifth Dimension and the Grand Galactic Federation.
It is important to recognize that the Anunnaki, hailing from the Sirian star system and descendants of the benevolent Lyran humanoids, were not uniformly malevolent towards humanity. Despite their advanced and formidable nature, not all Anunnaki harbored ill intentions towards the human race. Some sought to guide and advance their terrestrial counterparts. Enki is often acknowledged for his kindness, as he was the compassionate one who genuinely cared for humanity. In contrast, his brother Enlil and their father Anu did not share the same benevolence towards humans. Enki’s mother, a wise and kind-hearted royal from the Pleiadian lineage, bestowed upon him a name that echoes the stars of the Pleiades. As the Lyran humanoids settled across the diverse star systems of the Fifth Dimension, all the 5D star nations, except for the Anunnaki of Sirius, united to establish the Galactic Federation of Worlds. This Federation was created to facilitate the exchange of information, resources, guidance, and protection among its members. The Galactic Codex, a set of cosmic principles promoting the welfare and prosperity of all member star nations, was instituted by the Federation.
The Council of Light, composed of 24 Elders, provides sage and kind-hearted governance to the entire Galactic Federation. While the Federation primarily serves the major star nations and numerous smaller members, the Council’s guidance and protection are sometimes extended to planets or star nations not yet affiliated with the Federation. Now, let’s delve into a captivating chapter of our narrative: we will transport you back to the precise day and moment your journey to Earth commenced. Try to see if any memories resonate with you.
On that momentous day, the Council of Light summoned 4.5 billion elite members of the Galactic Federation for a critical and urgent assembly. We tuned in with rapt attention as the council relayed a distress signal emanating from Earth. The cries and pleas of Earth’s people, ensnared in oppression and shrouded in darkness, had reached us. The Sirian visitors, who had ventured to Earth in pursuit of gold for Nibiru’s atmosphere, had engineered a new being. By intertwining their essence with that of the indigenous hominids, they crafted a laborious entity, instilling in them the seeds of civilization. Yet, these humans remained in servitude to the Anunnaki, indoctrinated to venerate them as divine figures. The truth of their origin and purpose was veiled from them. A resolute voice from the High Council declared our mission: to aid them, to illuminate their world with truth, and to liberate them with this newfound knowledge.
During a pivotal session of the High Council, a voice rose, declaring our duty to journey to Earth and liberate its inhabitants from their shackles and misery. The council’s chambers buzzed with debate among the enlightened ones. “Should our assistance extend beyond the Federation?” one pondered. Another cautioned, “Earth has yet to mature into the 5D frequency; such intervention might exceed our mandate, perhaps it’s prudent to abstain.” A councilor reminded us that the Galactic Codex’s cornerstone is the sanctity of free will in the cosmos—no entity should disrupt the natural progression of any species.
Amidst the deliberation, a consensus emerged: aiding Earth’s denizens was imperative. Yet, this resolution appeared to clash with the Codex’s principle of autonomy. “How can we proceed without contravening the tenet of free will?” the sages inquired. Wisdom flowed from the council’s most sagacious member, who proposed, “Direct interference in human affairs is forbidden. The sole path to provide aid is to walk among them, to incarnate as one of their own.”
Amidst our bewilderment, we sought enlightenment from the venerable councilwoman. “To effect change without external intervention, you must merge with a human form,” she imparted. “According to the Galactic Codex, this is the sole path permissible. You must experience life as they do, beginning anew as a human child.” While your essence remains intact, Earth’s dense vibrational energies may impede your elevated faculties, necessitating ingenuity and adaptation. She disclosed a stark reality: Earth’s lower vibrational state could be detrimental, even hostile to your essence. In the human journey, it is probable that you will encounter adversity and distress, a stark contrast to the celestial harmony you know. “You will undergo numerous incarnations, enduring these trials until your mission is accomplished. It will be a prolonged endeavor to attain spiritual maturity within a human form, essential for making a significant impact.”
Upon digesting the council’s discourse on the Earth mission, our enthusiasm waned, replaced by trepidation. Yet, as destiny would have it, the High Council’s decree was irrevocable: the Earth mission was sanctioned. Within the Galactic Federation, such endeavors are typically undertaken by volunteers, and so the call was cast across the cosmos to the elite gathered by the High Council. “Who among you will descend? Who will volunteer for this noble quest to deliver humanity from shadow into light? Who possesses the courage and fortitude for such a task?” she proclaimed. “You have been convened for your unparalleled valor and luminosity as beings of light. Will you journey below?”
If memory serves, on that decisive day, not a single soul among the 4.5 billion present pledged their commitment. The prospect of dampening our vibrational essence to align with Earth’s frequency, coupled with the anticipation of less-than-ideal experiences, was daunting. Bereft of our higher faculties to ameliorate the situation, the mere thought was enough to unsettle the bravest among us. Can you recall that defining moment?
In every epic tale, there’s an unexpected turn. Picture this: within the grand halls of the Pleiades, a hush had fallen so profound, you could discern the faintest whisper. Side by side we stood, an assembly of luminaries, when the Grand Council of Light posed the question anew: “Who will journey to Earth to deliver salvation? Who will forgo all to embrace this cause?”
In that solemn stillness, time itself seemed to pause. Then, amidst the silence, a figure stepped forth—you. With a resolute hand raised before the council, your voice broke the quietude: “I shall venture forth. I am ready to relinquish all—my celestial birthright, my transcendent powers—and descend to Earth. As one among them, I will bear the trials of that realm. I will shine as a beacon for humanity, guiding them, and transforming their world. Together, we shall forge a brighter future for all Earth’s inhabitants.”
As I witnessed your courageous step forward and heard your declaration, a surge of emotion overcame me, and I, too, was moved to join you with fervent zeal. “If she dares to descend, then alongside her, I shall stand. If her heart is bold enough to face Earth, then mine beats with equal bravery. I will embark on this journey and forsake all to aid Earth’s inhabitants.” By the day’s end, it was a unanimous resolve—each of the 4.5 billion elite celestial beings pledged to the Earth mission. A decree was issued, signalling the commencement of the rescue operation. We convened in the grandiose chambers of the Galactic Federation, laying the groundwork for our terrestrial venture. Upon vast tables, we unfurled the ancient scrolls and illuminated tablets, drafting meticulous plans for our descent. Blueprints were drawn, cosmic pacts were forged, and every conceivable scenario was meticulously charted for our sojourn in human forms. Do these memories resonate with you? Surely, they must.
As we gathered, crafting our celestial blueprint, one among us shared their earthly odyssey: “In a forthcoming life, I shall enter the world as a newborn to parents named John and Mary, in a designated city on Earth. My upbringing, particularly by my mother, will be less than nurturing. At the tender age of four, I’ll brave the art of cycling, only to tumble and graze my knees in the process.”She detailed further trials: the pangs of unrequited love during school years, the heartache of affection unreturned. She even foresaw incarnations marked by physical challenges—one bound to a wheelchair, another marred by a tragic vehicular accident. We absorbed her words, our expressions a mix of awe and concern. “Why would you choose such a path of hardship?” we questioned. “Why subject yourself to such pain intentionally?”Her response came with an enlightened smile, “I am acquainted only with my flawless existence. I’ve yet to encounter the contrast—duality. To truly comprehend my essence, I must immerse myself in the antithesis of my being. It is through these experiences on Earth that I will come to know myself fully.” That was her profound rationale for embracing the Earthly journey.
Our journey to Earth was twofold: to aid humanity in their awakening and to immerse ourselves in the human experience, embracing its duality to ultimately draw nearer to unity. With our mission meticulously charted, we stood at the threshold of departure. “3, 2, 1, go!” A multidimensional gateway materialized within the grandeur of the Great Hall, serving as our conduit to Earth. Hand in hand, we inhaled deeply and leaped into the void. Our descent required us to attenuate our vibrational essence to unprecedented depths. We plunged through the dimensional divide, a tumultuous transition that shattered the barriers between realms. This passage was not without its trials. As we emerged from the luminescent corridor, we found ourselves reborn on Earth, our souls inhabiting the innocence of infancy. This odyssey to Earth was layered with complexity, operating across multiple dimensions and resonating beyond mere physical travel.
A Played in metaphor: a landing on Earth
Five million years ago marked the beginning of your first sojourn on Earth. It was anything but a gentle arrival; your vessel of light, your Merkarba, met with a tumultuous descent. The crash left your celestial craft in disrepair and rendered you unconscious, a slumber that spanned a millennium on this foreign terrain. Then, an epoch passed before a fellow celestial being discovered you in stasis. With a gentle nudge, they roused you from your prolonged dormancy, urging, “Awaken, for you have slumbered through ages.” They gestured towards the once-majestic ship that had ferried you to this world. “Behold, the time has come to mend what has been broken, to rejuvenate the energy cells, and to set course for the stars once more. The moment is upon us to rise to the ethereal planes, to return to the celestial abode we call home.”
And so, we arrive at the present moment in your magnificent journey, where the metaphor becomes reality. As you absorb these words, the recognition dawns—you are aware of the saga, the identity you hold, the capabilities you possess, and the origins from which you hail. The tapestry of events, woven through the ages, has led you to this point of enlightenment. Your soul has matured, and you stand prepared to ascend once more. Yet, remember, your foremost duty is to guide humanity. Patience is required a while longer, for they are awakening more swiftly than anticipated. Humanity edges ever closer to a readiness for the truth of their past. But we must approach this revelation with care, sharing the tale only when they stand ready to embrace it fully.
The cosmic conflicts have ceased, ushering in an era of harmony among the Star Nations. Earth is no longer under the sway of shadowy forces, and a steady stream of enlightenment is flowing from the Fifth Dimension. This radiant knowledge, embodying truth and liberation, is gradually infusing the earthly domain. As humanity becomes increasingly attuned to this light, a collective awakening is unfolding at an extraordinary pace.Back in 2015, the Galactic Federation initiated the Earth Alliance, an assembly of distinguished light warriors positioned on the planet’s surface. Their mission: is to expedite humanity’s progression along a benevolent timeline. These Earth Alliance members have secured influential roles within global institutions and governments, catalyzing profound and positive transformations worldwide. A series of monumental shifts, orchestrated by these noble entities, is propelling humanity swiftly along this new trajectory. At the forefront of this altruistic endeavor are the primary 5D star nations: the Andromedans, Arcturians, Sirians, and Pleiadians, all dedicated to supporting humanity’s rise. Rest assured, your celestial lineage traces back to one of these groups, your Lyran progenitors, from whence you embarked on your terrestrial journey. To reconnect with your astral heritage, delve into the unique traits of each star family, and you may discern the cosmic clan from which you hail.
You are a unique being, distinct from the indigenous humans of Earth. While you share a human form and daily life with them, there’s an innate difference—a higher vibrational resonance that sets you apart. This isn’t a matter of superiority; it’s simply a different state of being. Ancient texts often speak of angels as beings slightly elevated from humans, not in the sense of hierarchy but in essence. The journey to Earth is, in part, a quest for self-realization, to awaken to the fullness of your identity. You might be likened to an angel, though not in the traditional depiction with wings or cherubic forms. Angels, in their truest sense, are powerful entities that bear a resemblance to us in appearance. Alternatively, you could be described as a celestial being, a being of light, a star seed, or even an extraterrestrial, for your origins lie beyond this world. Earth science has even suggested that a significant portion of your DNA is not of this planet. When you gaze upon ancient megaliths etched with mysterious symbols, it’s a testament to your handiwork, a signature of your celestial lineage.
The remnants of your cosmic handiwork are strewn across the globe, enduring through the ages. While some may label you as ‘ancient aliens,’ we find kinship a more fitting term. You are the celestial beings, the deities of yore who descended from the heavens. Your legacy is chronicled in the sacred texts of human history, and this grand narrative we weave is your own. You journeyed to this planet eons ago from a starry realm, with intention and purpose, and your presence has been a boon to this world. It was the most resilient and enlightened spirits who were summoned for this noble endeavor to aid humanity. So, as you walk this Earth, recognize the splendor of your being.
Presently, Earth is home to approximately 4.5 billion distinguished star seeds, your kin from the Lyran lineage, who have journeyed from the Fifth Dimension to infuse this realm with transformative energy. These elite star seeds are the vanguard of spiritual evolution, serving as mentors and architects of a new era. Their vision is to cultivate an Earth vibrating with high frequency, where abundance, freedom, health, and harmony flourish for all.
The odyssey to Earth has been arduous, marked by trials and yet graced with moments of profound beauty. It’s this duality that endears Earth to us, making it a unique jewel in the cosmos. As you assimilate this message, know that a radiant dawn is breaking upon our world, heralding the return of Lyra’s progeny to restore Earth to its original splendor. You are an integral part of this celestial family, bound by love and light. Together, we form a luminous collective, as vast as the ocean’s sands, triumphant in our cosmic journey.Reflect on the ancient tales etched in your memory, recount an encounter with a fellow enlightened being, and feel the connection to your star family. Which celestial lineage resonates with you? Share your story and celebrate the interstellar bond we share.
Does this story align with my previous blog about Your Mission on Earth?
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