Your Guide to Greatness: 16 Practical Rules for Personal Success
What the Bible Doesn’t Tell You: Mysteries, Contradictions, and Controversies About Jesus
Have the enigmatic chapters of Jesus’ life ever piqued your curiosity? The narratives that defy traditional views and offer a richer, more intricate understanding of this pivotal historical figure? You’re in good company on this quest. Guided by Dolores Cannon’s teachings, we’ll explore astonishing insights into Jesus and the Essenes, illuminating aspects of his existence that have been obscured from the public eye. Dolores Cannon, a trailblazer in past life regression therapy, tapped into a treasure trove of knowledge through her sessions with a young somnambulist woman. This individual’s extraordinary ability allowed Dolores to delve into the profound depths of consciousness, unearthing the past life recollections and experiences of an Essene teacher named Sordi. Somnambulism, a state of profound consciousness, was Dolores’s gateway to the past, enabling her to usher individuals into a realm where their present existence faded, giving way to the emergence of past identities and memories.
In one such profound session, the story of Sordi, an Essene teacher from Jesus’ era, was revealed. To grasp this discovery’s impact, we must explore the Essenes and their link to the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Essenes were a reclusive religious group residing near the Dead Sea in Qumran during Jesus’ lifetime. Their existence and influence on the spiritual context of that time are not widely known today. The late 1940s and early 1950s discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls cast a light on the Essenes. These Scrolls, stashed in earthenware jars within Dead Sea caves, held original or early biblical texts, prompting a reevaluation of Christianity’s roots. The Essenes were instrumental in compiling and conserving these Scrolls, which offer deep insights into their doctrines and lifestyle. The Essenes were enigmatic, running a covert academy that imparted arcane knowledge to a select few. Even historical figures like King Herod regarded the Essenes warily for their profound wisdom and safeguarded secrets. Some speculate that the Essenes’ knowledge stemmed from Atlantis’ survivors and their progeny. This trove of insight was diligently recorded and concealed within the Scrolls. Yet, as Rome’s dominion grew and calamity struck, including Jerusalem’s fall, the Essenes in 69 AD faced a dire threat from the advancing Romans. In a valiant effort to protect their treasured Scrolls, they buried them, hoping they would someday enlighten future generations. Sadly, many Essenes met their end or chose death over betraying their mysteries to the Romans.
The narrative deepens when we delve into the actions of the original scholars and theologians who examined the Dead Sea Scrolls. Opting for secrecy, they chose to protect the established biblical accounts that the Scrolls seemed to challenge. Among the profound insights from Dolores Cannon’s research is the past life regression of a woman named Sordi, an Essene teacher during Jesus’s era. In this past life, Sordi was a Torah scholar, influencing the lives of Jesus and John the Baptist. The sessions with Dolores Cannon revealed a momentous event as Sordi recalled witnessing the Star of Bethlehem, a highlight in Dolores’s career, offering a fresh lens on Jesus’s nativity. During the regression, Sordi stood with other Essenes on a hillside near Qumran, anticipating the Messiah’s birth, their astrological knowledge informing their predictions. The account of the Star of Bethlehem is particularly striking. Legend told by her father suggested that Jesus’s birth would coincide with the alignment of four stars from different sky regions into a singular, dazzling beacon. As Sordi narrated, the stars converged into a circle, then fused into one luminous entity. A beam of light cascaded from this union to Earth, marking Jesus’s birth, with the Essenes recognizing Bethlehem as the prophesied location. This event imbued with intense energy and emotion, left Sordi in awe of the miraculous spectacle. The description of the Star of Bethlehem defies traditional astronomical interpretations. Unlike typical stars, this celestial phenomenon was visible day and night and was seen from everywhere, sparking wonder about its true nature. Remarkably, it vanished after two months, its departure as enigmatic as its appearance.
The plight of Mary and Joseph in Egypt, a bid to shield the infant Jesus from the soldiers’ search during a census, gains a new perspective through the Essene viewpoint. As educated Essenes, it was logical for Mary and Joseph to find solace in Qumran en route to Egypt. It was here that Sordi, the future mentor of Jesus and John the Baptist, first encountered the infant Jesus, an experience that left an indelible impression on him. Jesus’s serene and quiet nature, especially his insightful eyes, struck Sordi profoundly. This encounter foreshadowed Sordi’s destiny as the educator of both Jesus and John the Baptist. When the children returned to Qumran, John the Baptist integrated into the community, and Sordi took on the role of imparting the law’s teachings. In ancient Israel, education was gender-specific: boys learned Mathematics, Reading, Writing, and the Torah, while girls were prepared for domestic roles without literacy training. For a broader education in subjects like mathematics and astrology, one had to look beyond traditional schooling. Qumran’s mystery school was an exception, offering an extensive curriculum across various subjects, taught by masters in each field, typically requiring 20 years to complete. While most students honed a single subject over five years, Jesus was an anomaly. He embraced the full spectrum of Qumran’s teachings, assimilating information at an astonishing rate. Unlike his peers, who would spend years mastering one discipline, Jesus mastered all areas of study swiftly, showcasing his exceptional spiritual and intellectual capacity.
Dolores Cannon’s research offers a surprising perspective on the physical traits of Jesus and John the Baptist, depicting them with red hair and blue eyes, which diverges from the traditional imagery. This portrayal raises questions about its consistency with their Middle Eastern origins, a region typically linked to darker complexions. Yet, historical accounts suggest that during Jesus and John’s time in Nazareth, lighter hair colors like blonde and red were not uncommon. The prevalent darker features seen today are the result of subsequent generations and intermarriage with migrants from southern Africa. In her observations, Sordi noted John the Baptist’s vibrant red hair, reflecting his bold and expressive nature. Jesus, on the other hand, was characterized by his tranquility and the profound wisdom apparent in his gaze. This account serves as a reminder that external appearances can be deceiving and does not always mirror one’s inner depth or spiritual insight.
Exploring the enigmatic ‘hidden years’ of Jesus, often left unchronicled in the Bible, we find a period ripe with speculation and curiosity. Dolores Cannon’s investigations aim to fill these gaps, proposing theories on Jesus’s whereabouts and activities during this time. According to her work, Jesus stayed at Qumran under Sordi’s tutelage until about the age of 13, mastering the Essene teachings and even surpassing the standard curriculum to learn to heal, cure ailments, and, most astonishingly, resurrect the dead—a skill believed by the Essenes to be the pinnacle of spiritual mastery. This narrative challenges traditional views, suggesting Jesus’s miraculous abilities stemmed not from isolation but from his extraordinary upbringing and education. Joseph of Arimathea, a wealthy and influential figure, and Jesus’s great uncle, is said to have played a pivotal role during this time. Known biblically for providing his tomb for Jesus’s burial, Joseph’s influence extended far beyond, with vast trading networks and close ties to the tin trade in England. Under the guise of trade missions, Joseph reportedly took Jesus on journeys to learn from the era’s wisest sages. These travels provided Jesus with a diverse and rich education, as he studied with various teachers across lands like India and China, gaining insights into a multitude of spiritual and philosophical traditions. Among his educators were the Druids of England, friends of Joseph, who, contrary to Roman accounts, were learned and held a prestigious university near Glastonbury, one of the world’s leading centers of education at the time. This broad exposure is believed to have profoundly influenced Jesus’s later teachings, showcasing a blend of wisdom from across the ancient world. The university renowned for its extensive repository of knowledge became a global nexus for learning, drawing scholars from every direction. The Druids, as principal educators, shared their profound wisdom, significantly enriching Jesus’s education and shaping his philosophical outlook.
In her quest for understanding, Dolores Cannon gathered numerous books from England, rich with legends and tales from the era of Jesus’s sojourn there. These writings suggest that the world’s first church was not a church in the conventional sense but a community founded on Jesus’s teachings, known as “The Way.” This community, established at Glastonbury within a decade of Jesus’s crucifixion by Joseph of Arimathea, Mary Magdalene, and other disciples, eschewed hierarchical structures. Instead, they held gatherings in homes where discourse and shared learning were valued over authority, reflecting Jesus’s ethos of knowledge-sharing and love. Glastonbury was also a place of learning for Jesus, where he absorbed diverse teachings before returning to Qumran. His teachings, emphasizing love over fear and parables drawn from nature, marked a departure from the era’s dominant religious doctrines. Women, including Mary Magdalene, who had a deep knowledge of healing and metaphysics from her studies in Egypt, played a crucial role in his circle, resonating with the metaphysical aspects of his message. Jesus’s ministry included demonstrations of healing, empowering his followers with the belief that they, too, possessed healing abilities within their hands. Yet, he acknowledged the laws of karma and reincarnation, recognizing that not all could be healed if it was their karmic journey to endure an ailment. The insights into Jesus’s ‘lost years’ challenge conventional narratives, offering a richer understanding of his life, teachings, and the profound impact of his diverse education and philosophy. These revelations underscore the significance of love, unity, and empowerment in our spiritual journeys, inspiring us to consider how these hidden truths can influence and enrich our own paths. Commit to a path of continuous learning, cherish the richness found in diverse perspectives, cultivate a heart of boundless love, and inspire others to make positive changes. The decision is in your hands, and it holds the potential to reshape your perception of Jesus and the broader world. For those drawn to a deeper exploration of these insights, “Jesus and the Essenes” by Dolores Cannon is an invaluable resource. This book delves into depths not captured in brief summaries, offering an expansive view of this remarkable chapter in Jesus’s life. Now is the moment to discover the hidden truths about Jesus, setting forth on a transformative quest for knowledge and personal growth.
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